Your Property Report

44 Ablington Way, Carindale, 4152

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This report will give you in-depth understanding of your property and local market performance.

Accurate Market Value

Hello John,

Recent improvements to your property may not be reflected in the online estimate. Get in touch with our experienced team members to ensure you get the best price possible.

Your Online Estimate

HIGH $1957k

This estimate has a High level of accuracy.

About this estimate:

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Carindale overview:

$1280k MEDIAN PRICE Houses
15% CHANGE This year
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Property History







Comparable Properties

Here are 2 properties sold in the last in the last year within 1KM. Examining the sales of comparable properties offers insights into the market value of your property. We can guide you through these comparisons and assess their relevance to your property.

5 Egert Court, CARINDALE, QLD 4152

Sold - $1,125,000 (QVAS)
  • 5
  • 2
  • 2

78 Windsor Place, CARINDALE, QLD 4152

Sold - $1,210,000 (QVAS)
  • 4
  • 2
  • 2

Suburb Insights

Learn what buyers are looking for in [SuburbName]. Here’s some additional demographic data that will help you understand the make-up and performance of the suburb.


Planning Alerts

Here is an overview of what is being built and knocked down in your area. Applications shown are within 2 kilometers of [123 Sample St, Suburb 4000]. The information provided is sourced from Planning Alerts and by the Open Australia Foundation. Visit to find out more.

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

206 Local Dr, Suburb 4000 1.1 Kilometres away

Plan Sealing - GN Projects Pty Ltd (Primary Applicant), Bennet and Bennet Pty Ltd (Consultant)

Contact Your Local Team of Experts

44 Ablington Way, Carindale, 4152

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